Monday, May 21, 2012

Viewing the Solar Eclipse from "Star Lane"

The solar eclipse and a family members birthday were great excuses for us to throw a big Sunday party. The theme was the good old west.We had cowboy and cowgirl outfits, chaps, hats, latigo, and boots. The party was moseying along nicely. People were dancing and a few others were singing. The tri-tips were sizzling nicely as were the burgers. Something was missing however. What could it have been? The food? Check! The guests? Check! Beautiful weather? In southern Cal? You better believe it! Just then my lovely wife mouths the word "Wine" from across the crowded party. I then said aloud "The Wine!". Pure jubilation soon covered me...A bit like the giant 10 gallon hat on one of our guests. I raced over to get out the wine. When I thought about the pleasures that awaited me just beneath that cork I wanted to sprint over to it but with the western theme I had better not I thought. So I continued to "Mosey" by this time I looked a little bit like John Wayne but not half as tough! I finally reached the special bottle we had picked for the occasion.It was the most beautiful dark bottle with the most eye pleasing three rings on the label. I could almost taste it before it even reached my lips. The wine was of course one of our favorites, the 2007 Consilience Syrah, Star Lane Vineyard. The leather and smoke on the nose was perfect for our western party. The flavors of Plum and black pepper went perfectly with our tri-tips and roasted peppers.After a few bottles of this incredible Syrah had been thoroughly enjoyed by our guests, the phone rang it was a guest running late and asking for directions. I told the guest to hurry up so she wouldn't miss the wine, the food, and the fun! As for directions I told her We are up here on "Star Lane" she replied I'm looking at the invitation and it says "Eldorado" I don't understand. I then told her "Just get up here and you will understand for sure!"

Consilience  is one of my favorite wineries in the Santa Barbara area. They are located in Los Olivos on Grand Avenue. (805) 691-1020 or visit

P.S. Be sure to let the friendly staff at Consilience know you found them at

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